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Monday, October 3, 2011

WOW!! Dynamic Views on Blogger!


Finally, Blogger has the long awaited feature for their blog platform. It used the latest technology (they claimed it, I do not know what's the latest CSS HTML etc):
Built with the latest in web technology (AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3), Dynamic Views is a unique browsing experience that will inspire your readers to explore your blog in new ways. The interactive layouts make it easier for readers to enjoy and discover your posts, loading 40 percent faster than traditional templates and bringing older entries to the surface so they seem fresh again.

I found that they are not just claimed that the new template loads much faster than traditional template, but we don,t have control on which one(s) of the 7 we'd like to display on our blog. We have them all, and the reader can view you blog on mozaic display even if you really hate

Well, the newest baby is not yet available for all bloggers, and not for all blogs. But you can have sneak a peek on how your blogs look like on the new dynamic template. Just type /view/ after your blog URL on the browser address bar, then hit enter.. you can see it! For example:

Ah, can't wait to see it truly available on my cross stitch blog. I like this very much!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lorem Ipsum...

» A normal paragraph
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis ante. Fusce fermentum eros et turpis. Suspendisse quis ligula sed tortor vestibulum tincidunt. Mauris vitae dolor porta tortor pulvinar tempor. Suspendisse consequat massa vitae neque. Ut nec ipsum. Sed varius, felis nec tempor iaculis, eros arcu placerat urna, et fringilla metus lorem non lectus. Ut commodo, Kristik Islami (Link), orci quis accumsan placerat, urna magna interdum sapien, non imperdiet nunc erat at tortor. Fusce sed erat ac leo blandit viverra. Nullam ullamcorper elit sit amet pede. Curabitur dapibus vulputate augue.

» A paragraph format
Donec lorem. Phasellus lacus lectus, lobortis id, elementum consequat, vehicula a, leo. Ut felis felis, viverra id, consectetuer ac, cursus non, purus. Aenean vitae metus quis diam pulvinar eleifend. Praesent vitae dui. Ut feugiat. Nunc fringilla lobortis dui. Sed volutpat gravida massa. Praesent vel purus. Nunc eu dolor eu turpis mollis fermentum. Ut hendrerit metus non mauris. Morbi sagittis porttitor nibh. Maecenas erat. Pellentesque id tellus ac risus porta rutrum. Nam urna nunc, adipiscing et, suscipit sed, venenatis sed, mauris. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eros libero, dignissim nec, posuere sed, porttitor malesuada, lectus. Nullam sapien lorem, ullamcorper nec, porttitor vitae, ullamcorper eget, lorem. Integer ullamcorper ultrices libero. Vestibulum sed nisi lacinia tortor ultrices rhoncus.

» A paragraph as blockquote
Cras nec lorem. Donec dui massa, blandit nec, commodo a, tincidunt non, urna. Nulla porta diam id mauris. Donec augue mi, eleifend sed, tristique et, semper at, turpis. Ut blandit aliquet nunc.

» A paragraph as code
Donec lacus mauris, pretium at, tincidunt non, euismod bibendum, dolor. Vivamus ultricies elit eget velit. Phasellus sodales consequat leo. Donec nec metus in nibh fermentum mattis. Duis neque. Morbi suscipit. Praesent in mi. Donec lorem nisi, tempor ac, dictum ac, tempus vitae, libero. Duis pulvinar erat ac leo. Aenean facilisis felis cursus eros. Ut enim. Sed sit amet diam in justo congue tempor. Donec tincidunt posuere nisi. Morbi lobortis lorem vitae erat. Praesent quam erat, hendrerit tempor, rutrum sed, consectetuer non, tortor. Etiam nec mauris. Mauris porttitor imperdiet magna. Nulla facilisi.

» Formatting
Nunc ultricies vulputate elit. Suspendisse potenti (strong). Vestibulum lacus risus, adipiscing nec, eleifend dignissim, rhoncus ut, mauris. Pellentesque vulputate nisl sit amet (italic) risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus a nunc. Phasellus vitae diam(acronim). Maecenas vestibulum nisl vitae eros. Maecenas massa sem, tempor vel, feugiat nec, ullamcorper sit amet, nibh. Donec condimentum, metus in semper venenatis, ante dolor consectetuer sapien, in pharetra eros tellus sed sem. In enim. Ut accumsan, leo ac dictum bibendum, sapien est pellentesque tellus, quis aliquet justo erat sit amet dui. Sed aliquam porttitor nibh. Cras velit turpis, sagittis sed, laoreet vitae, ultrices quis, eros.

» Ordered list
  1. Shahadatain
  2. Shalat
  3. Shaum during Ramadan month
  4. Zakat
  5. Hajj

» Unordered list
  • Allah SWT
  • Muhammad SAW
  • Your Mother
  • Your Mother
  • Your Mother
  • Your Father

» Heading

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

» A table

Table Header 1Table Header 2Table Header 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3
Division 1Division 2Division 3

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Posting with Image and Comment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis ante. Fusce fermentum eros et turpis. Suspendisse quis ligula sed tortor vestibulum tincidunt. Mauris vitae dolor porta tortor pulvinar tempor. Suspendisse consequat massa vitae neque. Ut nec ipsum. Sed varius, felis nec tempor iaculis, eros arcu placerat urna, et fringilla metus lorem non lectus. Ut commodo, orci quis accumsan placerat, urna magna interdum sapien, non imperdiet nunc erat at tortor. Fusce sed erat ac leo blandit viverra. Nullam ullamcorper elit sit amet pede. Curabitur dapibus vulputate augue.

Donec lorem. Phasellus lacus lectus, lobortis id, elementum consequat, vehicula a, leo. Ut felis felis, viverra id, consectetuer ac, cursus non, purus. Aenean vitae metus quis diam pulvinar eleifend. Praesent vitae dui. Ut feugiat. Nunc fringilla lobortis dui. Sed volutpat gravida massa. Praesent vel purus. Nunc eu dolor eu turpis mollis fermentum. Ut hendrerit metus non mauris. Morbi sagittis porttitor nibh. Maecenas erat.
Pellentesque id tellus ac risus porta rutrum. Nam urna nunc, adipiscing et, suscipit sed, venenatis sed, mauris. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eros libero, dignissim nec, posuere sed, porttitor malesuada, lectus. Nullam sapien lorem, ullamcorper nec, porttitor vitae, ullamcorper eget, lorem. Integer ullamcorper ultrices libero. Vestibulum sed nisi lacinia tortor ultrices rhoncus. Cras nec lorem. Donec dui massa, blandit nec, commodo a, tincidunt non, urna. Nulla porta diam id mauris. Donec augue mi, eleifend sed, tristique et, semper at, turpis. Ut blandit aliquet nunc.

Donec lacus mauris, pretium at, tincidunt non, euismod bibendum, dolor. Vivamus ultricies elit eget velit. Phasellus sodales consequat leo. Donec nec metus in nibh fermentum mattis. Duis neque. Morbi suscipit. Praesent in mi. Donec lorem nisi, tempor ac, dictum ac, tempus vitae, libero. Duis pulvinar erat ac leo. Aenean facilisis felis cursus eros. Ut enim. Sed sit amet diam in justo congue tempor. Donec tincidunt posuere nisi. Morbi lobortis lorem vitae erat. Praesent quam erat, hendrerit tempor, rutrum sed, consectetuer non, tortor. Etiam nec mauris. Mauris porttitor imperdiet magna. Nulla facilisi.

Nunc ultricies vulputate elit. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum lacus risus, adipiscing nec, eleifend dignissim, rhoncus ut, mauris. Pellentesque vulputate nisl sit amet risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus a nunc. Phasellus vitae diam. Maecenas vestibulum nisl vitae eros. Maecenas massa sem, tempor vel, feugiat nec, ullamcorper sit amet, nibh. Donec condimentum, metus in semper venenatis, ante dolor consectetuer sapien, in pharetra eros tellus sed sem. In enim. Ut accumsan, leo ac dictum bibendum, sapien est pellentesque tellus, quis aliquet justo erat sit amet dui. Sed aliquam porttitor nibh. Cras velit turpis, sagittis sed, laoreet vitae, ultrices quis, eros.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to Build Unique Backlinks to Your Pages Everyday

Building backlinks to your pages is an essential part of SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) for two reasons. The first reason is that it helps your pages get indexed faster, which is very important because you want the search engines to find them as soon as possible and crawl them regularly. The second reason is that it helps your pages get higher search engine rankings for the keywords of your choice. The more backlinks you have, the better. Period.

However, building backlinks can be a time-consuming, boring process. You can outsource the process to an agency and pay a lot of money... Or you can do it yourself with SocialMonkee! SocialMonkee is an instant backlink builder allowing you to build 25 unique backlinks, every day, FREE! All links are on unique C-Class IP addresses and domains. Imagine being able to create 25 unique backlinks every day, with the click of a button! Well, you can stop imagining...

So, 25 unique backlinks every day... That's a total of 175 backlinks every week, 750 every month. If you upgrade, you will be able to build 100 uniques backlinks, 3 times a day! That's a total of 2,100 backlinks every week, 9,000 every month! The good news is... you can get a Premium Account, FREE! All you need to do is to refer 12 members, and your account will automatically be upgraded. If you're not really into referral marketing, you may upgrade right now for a low one-time fee.

Submitting a page to SocialMonkee via the members area takes under two minutes, but there's an even faster way! They created a Firefox plugin that allows you to submit your page to up to 100 sites in just a few clicks, using nothing else than Firefox! If you have a Premium Account you will also get access to link reports and RSS feeds, which are great to keep track of your backlinks and get them indexed fast. Submitting your RSS feeds to RSS submitters is actually a very important step in link building.

So what are you waiting for? Join SocialMonkee now while it's still free!
---I must be honest with you. The link above will not only take you to the page, but also is my unique link. If you sign-up through it, you will become my referral. I do not get any financial compensation by posting this and the benefit I will get from referring my readers to the service is only a fair opportunities to submit more pages to the service.